
To Nina Czegledy with love

Iliyana Nedkova

In her letter to Nina Czegledy, Iliyana Nedkova recovers  the complex geographies, mediums and collaboration that have defined this extraordinary figure in media art.

“Data is Beautiful as you would say but I wonder how do we visualize our professional lives in data flow charts. The timeline of our ‘curatorial duet’, for instance, could be charted back to 1996, to a smoky Rotterdam café at the tail end of a formative East-West forum at V2, the Institute for the Unstable Media. As an emerging curator I found myself negotiating with you for a slice of your time and expertise towards the first edition of the ‘Crossing Over’ nomadic project, which was to take us navigating two continents from Sofia, Bulgaria to Ohio, Columbus for seven years. In our travels for this annual micro-festival of digital film culture we were joined by over 60 aspiring and established artists and film-makers as well as co-curatorial hosts from each country we took ‘creative camp’ in.”